
Facebook fights Terrorist related Contents.

Facebook says it has stepped up its efforts to address the spread of "terrorist propaganda" on its service by using artificial intelligence (AI) for they want Facebook to be a hostile place for terrorists."

In a blog entry on Thursday, the California-based organization declared the presentation of AI, 
including picture coordinating and dialect understanding, in conjunction with its officially existing human analysts to better recognize and expel content "rapidly".

"We know we can do better at using technology - and specifically artificial intelligence - to stop the spread of terrorist content on Facebook," Monika Bickert, Facebook's director of global policy management, and Brian Fishman, the company's counterterrorism policy manager, said in the post.
Such technology is already used to block child pornography from Facebook and other services such as YouTube, but Facebook had been reluctant about applying it to other potentially less clear-cut uses.
Facebook and other web organizations have confronted developing weight from governments to distinguish and keep the spread of "terrorist propaganda" and enlisting messages on their platforms.

In their blog post, Bickert and Fishman said that when Facebook receives reports of potential "terrorism posts", it reviews those reports urgently.

In addition, it says that in the rare cases when it uncovers evidence of imminent harm, it promptly informs authorities.

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