
Tips about Contact Lens

The history of contacts and the improvements they hold for our future are fascinating subjects, since many of us have some form of vision problems. More and more people are turning to contact lenses to bring their vision into focus. Since 1991, the number of contact lens wearers has increased by 4% per year. People’s reasons to wear contact lenses instead of glasses range from active lifestyle choices to cosmetic reasons.

Contact lenses are small prescription lenses, worn in “contact” with the eye. They are designed to correct refractive errors and maintain ocular health. They float on the tear film layer on the surface of the cornea.

Modern contacts are much more than small eye glass lenses that fit onto your eyes. They do, however, function much like regular eye glasses, refracting and focusing light so that objects appear clearly. Since the lenses stick to the tear fluid on your eye surface, they move naturally with you. This is but one advantage contacts have over glasses.

Types of contacts are not all the same. They are available in different forms, designed to meet different purposes. These forms can range from their “modality,” They also fit different needs, such as contacts for astigmatism, contacts for nearsightedness, and more.

Have you ever wished your eyes were slightly bluer than their natural hue? Now you can have just that, even if you don’t need your vision corrected.

There are cosmetic contact lenses to enhance, or even change, the color of your eyes. This includes “plano,” or zero power, lenses with no magnification. (Read more about cosmetic contact lenses.) There are even black sclera contact lenses to complete your next Halloween costume. However, since contacts are medical devices, you should speak with an eye care professional before using such novelty contact lenses.

Always wash your hands thoroughly with a mild soap, rinse completely, and dry with a lint-free towel before touching your lenses.

It seems like no matter what your vision needs may be, we now have contact lenses to fulfill them.

PICTURE: Lyons Family Eye Care

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