
Five Annoying Ad Types that people Hate to view Online.

Some ads are clearly more intrusive and annoying than others. Following the unabated rise of ad blockers, most publishers, ad networks, and regulatory bodies have scrambled to fix the bloated mess that online advertising has turned out to be.

Based on research and findings from here are five types of ads that users reportedly hate. Obviously, if you run these ad types, removing them from your blog may be one of the best blogging decisions you have made.

Welcome Banners
These appear on top of the main content of the website and must be closed before you interact with the content. Many blogs use them as “welcome banners”, where the users are requested to enter their email address to subscribe for updates. it interrupts the user experience in a way most others ads do not.

Pop-up Ads
Pop-up ads aim to hijack the users’ attention by popping up into the foreground of the webpage. You can hit the close page to dismiss it. They are also particularly vulnerable to security threats including malware operations that trick users into installing software they don’t need, or in some cases, software that can steal their data or infect the system with viruses.

Large Sticky Ads
These ads are typically large and either appear on the top or the bottom of the webpage and obscure the main content. As the user scrolls, the ads stay stuck in their place, creating a highly obstructive experience. To close the ad, you have to find a little [x] mark at the corner of the ad, although most users just prefer to close the page and bounce.

Deceptive Links
Ever been on a website to download a file and found yourself unable to find the real download button from the tens of others lookalike buttons? Those are deceptive links. Not only do deceptive links intentionally distract the user from the main action, they often frustrate users by opening multiple new windows with ads and even obscuring the main page webpage the user was on.

Auto Playing Video Ads with Sound

Almost all browsers display a tiny sound button on every tab that has an audio playing, but that doesn’t help because no one is going to pay attention to any ads that tries to grab it in such a heavy-handed way. Don’t you hate it when you’re browsing and then suddenly some audio starts playing and you have to spend five minutes trying to figure out which one it is?
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